An Intensive 5-day Training Course
Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass
Optimized Talent Management Planning
Course Introduction
Attend this training course on Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass and get a grip with a new fully integrated approach to strategic workforce planning drawing in all the different facets to this business critical process. Not only does it explore the core components to workforce planning, this masterclass also shows how to move the approach from backroom black box operations to gaining a place in the organization’s strategic development process. Furthermore, this top level approach will then inform the organization’s resourcing, talent management and talent development strategies.
This Oxford Management Centre will highlight:
- The Breadth of Activity that is incorporated in Modern Workforce Planning
- The Need for Broad Stakeholder involvement in planning and implementing Workforce Planning
- Workforce Planning will depend on the business strategy of the organization
- The Need to Create a Flexible Workforce
- The Need to Adopt evidence-based HR Practices
- The Need for both a Broad Mindset and the ability to collaborate across the Organisation
This training course on Strategic Workforce Planning aims to show you how to move from traditional manpower planning to modern strategic workforce planning, raising your profile and the effectiveness of the process.
At the end of this training course on Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass, you will learn to:
- Apply appropriate workforce planning tools and techniques to your business strategy
- Review your own practices and make appropriate changes
- Think both strategically and tactically to enable effective workforce planning
- Understand the core HR components of modern workforce planning to ensure alignment
- Overcome challenges to effective workforce planning and build on enablers
- Apply good ideas from colleagues from other organisations
Training Methodology
Material will be presented by short presentation, case studies, and video clips aided by facilitation, and questioning to get the maximum learning from information presented. Discussion groups / action learning sets will also feature strongly for delegates to be able to share their knowledge and experience with the wider group in both learning about content (the ‘what’) as well as process (the ‘how’).
Organisational Impact
Chief Executives, around the world, say workforce planning is one of the big things that keeps them awake at night. Organisations that send delegates on this training course on Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass will benefit from the following:
- A realization that strategic workforce planning is a key business process and the one that drives much of HR activity
- An understanding of what a range of organisations do that may change the way strategic workforce planning is done
- Clarity on what needs to be done next either to start strategic workforce planning or improve existing processes
- Practical examples that delegates can take back and use in their workplace
- Getting ahead of the curve as strategic workforce planning correlates unambiguously with realizing business strategy and achieving desired business results
Personal Impact
This is a career development opportunity for people involved in workforce planning to increase their knowledge and confidence in being able to take practical recommendations back to work and so progress their careers.
Particular benefits for participants from this training course on Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass are:
- Understanding the breadth of workforce planning to be able to make refinements to existing practices
- Reflection on current practice with the opportunity to add new ideas to the organization
- Facilitated discussion to solve current problems faced by delegates at work
- Rethink how current HR practices might be changed to enable career progression.
Who Should Attend?
Workforce planning typically involves the HR function, finance and senior line management so it is aimed at these key stakeholder groups.
This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- HR Specialists in resourcing, talent and succession and L&D
- HR Business Partners
- Finance People involved in planning, strategic cost control
- Line Managers with responsibility for talent management
- Senior Managers with responsibility for resourcing their department / division / business
- Senior Managers with responsibility for defining and developing organizational strategy
Course Outline
Day 1
The Context for, and Modern Approach to Strategic Workforce Planning
- The Current Position with Workforce Planning
- Why strategic workforce planning is needed?
- Case Study Highlighting the Core Features of Effective Workforce Planning
- Leading Principles in Workforce Planning
- Understanding What your Business Strategy Means in Practice for Strategic Workforce Planning
- Identifying Strategic Roles in the Organisation
Day 2
Understanding and Dealing with the Challenges of Workforce Segmentation
- Understanding and Managing the Implications of Strategic Roles
- Segmenting the Workforce
- Managing the Implications of Segmentation
- The Need for Data as the Basis for Informed Decision-making
Day 3
Implementing Integrated Workforce Planning
- Best Practice vs. Bespoke Solutions
- Assessing the Current Position
- Identifying Alternative Strategies – using scenario planning
- Agreeing What the Future Organization Requires
- Understanding the Range of Resourcing Options
Day 4
Bridging the Gap
- Challenges and Enablers for Effective Workforce Planning
- Review of Contemporary Learning by Organisations in Implementing Strategic Workforce Planning
- Applying the 6B Model to Realise Organizational Strategy
- Reasons Why Strategic Workforce Planning Fails
- Introducing Strategic Workforce Planning is an Exercise in Change Management
Day 5
Bringing all the Aspects of Strategic Workplace Planning Together
- Translating the Theory to Practice - Action Learning Set(s) – facilitator - led session sharing challenges and suggesting solutions
- Creating a Collaborative Cross-functional Approach to Workforce Planning
- Summary of Key Messages from Effective Workforce Planning Practices
- Summary of Key Learnings from Delegates during the Week
- Action Planning
Oxford Management Centre Certificate will be provided to delegates who successfully completed the training course.