An Intensive 5-day Training Course
Leadership Development
Building Leadership Skills to Unlock Extraordinary Performance
Course Introduction
You must be able to lead yourself first before leading others.
Leaders are often regarded as role models. They are looked upon as having integrity, experience and the ability to make the right decisions. However, before being able to lead others effectively, it is vital that a leader can lead him or herself first.
This OXFORD Leadership Development training program provides practical tools and the technical skills needed to grow their personal leadership presence. The best leaders understand their own self-awareness and can utilise this internal strength to influence the direction of others.
Leaders are placed in a position of responsibility with expectations that are constantly changing and challenging it is essential to lead by example to make you a better leader for others. This course will help leaders understand how their example impacts on work performance and interactions within the organisation. It highlights ways for participants to ensure they control and focus their self-awareness, skills and strategies to increase their productivity for ‘task efficiency’ and ‘relational effectiveness’. Participants will undertake a unique and individual leadership journey to help you develop the clear strategies to grow as an effective and influential leader. powerful understanding, key effective skills.
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
- Elicit outstanding performance from others
- Lead confidently in the face of change, volatility and uncertainty
- Drive creativity and innovation for organizational success
- Apply motivational techniques that are right for you and your team
- Utilise the power of coaching to achieve results
Who Should Attend?
This OXFORD Management training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit all individuals who wish to improve their leadership skills and develop their personal power and effectiveness.
- Team Leaders and Supervisors with leadership responsibilities
- Project Managers in need of developing their people leadership skills
- Junior / First Line Managers who recently got promoted
- Mid-Level Leaders
- Functional / Departmental / Divisional / Business Unit Managers and Leaders
- Senior Leaders wishing to further deepen their people leadership skills
Course Outline
- Principles of great leadership
- Leading, managing – and navigating the space in-between
- The agile leader: how to cultivate agility and translate it into results
- Leading remote and hybrid teams
- Creating a high-performance team climate
- Coaching for performance enhancement
- Understanding change and transition
- Leading in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Tools for creative thinking
- Frameworks for critical thinking and decision-making
- Ethical and sustainable leadership
- Employee well-being – combating the risks of burnout
- From insight to action
Oxford Management Centre Certificate will be provided to delegates who successfully completed the training course.