An Intensive 5-day Training Course
Agile Change Management
Best Practices and Skills Development
in Organizational Change Leadership
Course Introduction
Change is a fact of life in all teams, organizations, and countries. However, in fast moving or dynamic organizations agile change management is the best methodology for the Leadership of change. Agile change management has increased the success and reduced resistance to the many projects executed by both private and public sector organizations. In a volatile environment (which is increasingly the case in the modern business world), project plans need to be flexible and embrace change as being the norm rather than the exception.
A traditional view of successful change projects is that they are highly dependent on well-defined and well-understood requirements acquired from all stakeholders. However, not all work environments are stable enough to enable effective prediction of all project requirements. Agile change management is a solution for smarter managers.
This Oxford Management Centre Agile Change Management training course focuses on vital area of Leading Change, Organizational Culture and change; Organizational Development (OD) and Work Psychology. It is a unique Management & Leadership training course that provides guidelines on best practice, current ‘best-practice’ and skills development in organizational change leadership.
This Agile Change Management training course is ideal for anyone who need to manage change in their organization.
- An overview of the traditional or predictive project management approach
- The principles that guide teams to perform practices that adhere to agile values
- A step-by-step walk through the core practices of adaptive project management (SCRUM)
- A reflection on the power of adaptive thinking in implement change
- The Importance of Communication during Agile Change
- Strategies and Tools for Effective for Agile Change Management
- Managing Employee’s Resistance to Change
At the end of this Agile Change Management training course, attendees will be able to:
- An explanation of subtle wastes that can lead to failure using predictive approaches
- A presentation of the values that underpin adaptive or agile thinking
- An explanation of subtle wastes that can lead to failure using predictive approaches
- A presentation of the values that underpin adaptive or agile thinking
- Design and implement an effective Organizational Development (OD) based on improved performance
- Practical agile and SCRUM methodologies that can help improve change management initiatives
Training Methodology
Participants to this Oxford Management Centre Agile Change Management training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the training course outline with the facilitator utilizing a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. This training course is very participatory and experiential. It involves theoretical insight, awareness building and a lot of skill practice in a group setting. The training course methodology includes individual and group activities focused on skill development. Case Studies and presentations will highlight the major teaching features.
Organisational Impact
- Understand the importance of workplace psychology in agile change management
- Build a compelling vision for change with all those involved using SCRUM principles
- Develop best practice to achieve organizational effectiveness
- Apply change leadership principals to achieve successful change initiatives
Personal Impact
- Learn the essential ingredients of agile change leadership
- Develop skills in agile change management and leadership suitable for any organization
- Learn how to use practical change leadership SCRUM tools
- Understand the phases of agile change management
- Appreciate issues around changing organizational culture
- Learn how to develop and implement an effective Performance Management System as a result of Change Management
Who Should Attend?
- All Managers and Leaders who wish to enhance their competencies in change management
- All Human Resource (HR) Personnel
- People who are likely to take up managerial positions in the future that will involve managing change
- Engineers and other Technical Professionals moving into Organizational Development (OD) or Business Partner (BP) roles
- Occupational Health & Safety and training staff involved in change management
- Those who received their training in Change Management in past years and need to be brought up to date with best practice in Change Leadership
Course Outline
Day 1
Approaches to Organizational Change
- Where do you start with Organizational Change?
- Anticipated Reaction to Change and Explore the Change
- What are typically the things which are required to Change?
- Explore the reasons that change efforts fail and the ways to ensure their success.
- Describe a three-phase, 10-step process by which to lead change: ACT
- Identify your strengths and needs for leading change.
Day 2
Change Management and Change Leadership Using Agile Principles
- Learn what you can do to communicate the vision and goals of your organization’s change initiative.
- Assess your organization’s environment to determine its readiness to lead a change initiative.
- Help employees understand the reasons for change by establishing urgency.
- Understand the importance of data collection and the best practices for gathering it.
- Plan for resistance by identifying the 10 most common reasons people resist change efforts.
Day 3
Be an Effective Leader of Agile Change and Project Management
- Learn and apply the four top characteristics of leaders and ensure consistent communication.
- Learn how to manage resistance at all levels in the organization.
- Identify ways to grow commitment through the change process.
- The six principles of effective change management
- Develop a Basic Understanding of Agile principles
- Define the Project Vision and Scope
- Identify Stakeholders and Success Criteria; case studies and examples
Day 4
Agile Project Management Fundamentals Applied to Change Management
- The application of Agile Project Management applied to change
- The benefits and challenges of Agile Project Management in organizational change
- When to use Agile Project Management techniques
- Preparing for a successful Agile change-based project
- Agile Project Management principles
- The Agile Project Management Framework
- Configuring the Agile Project Lifecycle
Day 5
Agile Project Teams and Agile Project Management Practices
- Building Agile Project Roles and Responsibilities,
- Empowering and engaging with your Agile Project Team an
- Running Agile and SCRUM facilitated Workshops
- Using the Agile MoSCoW prioritization method to a change project
- Agile planning, estimating and risk Management
- Agile testing, quality Management and quality control
- Apply Agile Practices to Your Organization
Oxford Management Centre Certificate will be provided to delegates who successfully completed the training course.