An Intensive 5-day Training Course
Serious Traffic Collision Investigation
Maximizing Traffic Collision Investigation and Evidence Gathering
Course Introduction
This Serious Traffic Collision Investigation training programme will equip delegates with the skills and competencies to safely respond to serious traffic collisions and to ensure the safety of all members of the emergency services and the general public at the scene. It will enhance skills regarding the management of the scene and inter-agency working within a mutually agreed command and control structure.
The training course will take the delegates through the processes of obtaining, harvesting, and sharing information processes and the stages of thorough investigation particularly early investigative actions known as ‘The Golden Hour’. The training programme is delivered in a manner that demonstrates how thorough investigation is used to shape road safety strategy and is delivered through the delegates working each stage of a serious traffic collision including report writing and recommendations. The training programme will enhance the delegate skills and development of risk assessment and management.
This Oxford Management Centre program on Serious Traffic Collision Investigation will highlight:
- Key roles and responsibilities involved in managing and examining serious traffic collision scenes
- Manage the initial response to a substantive investigation, implementing Golden Hour principles, fast track actions and developing lines of enquiry
- Benefits of a National Decision Making Model and Idealized Decision-Making Model
- Principles of Containment and importance of securing, preserving, and incident site
- Manage the performance of teams and individuals while incorporating health safety and welfare legislation and policy ensuring a safe scene
- The possible forensic evidence types available from serious traffic collision scenes
- The roles, responsibilities and capabilities of the specialists involved in reactive & proactive investigations including standardized command and control model
At the end of this Serious Traffic Collision Investigation training programme, you will learn to:
- Understand the purpose & reason for collision investigation
- Manage a serious collision scene with effective health & safety, evidence gathering & scene preservation
- Deal effectively with witnesses, suspects & the general public
- Understand the importance of effective accident reporting
- Manage restoring traffic normality
- How to develop and manage an investigation
Training Methodology
The programme delivery is focused to meet the needs and learning styles of the delegates and shall be delivered through a number of methods:
- Practical and desktop exercises following a hypothetical incident
- Discussions
- Presentations
The training course content is emphasized through practical application of the skills.
Organisational Impact
The organisation will acquire a thorough understanding of the principles and practices required in serious traffic collision investigations which will allow them to objectivity consider strategy for road casualty reduction planning. The organization will benefit from training of officers who will have enhanced skills in managing the investigation processes.
- Establish protocols for initial response to serious traffic collisions
- Increase the organisation’s understanding of causes of serious traffic collisions to achieve positive outcomes
- Improve competence and skills of staff in managing serious traffic collision scenes
- Development of awareness of risk to ensure officer safety
- Effective investigations that assist to develop effective road safety strategies
- Enhanced confidence and trust of Government Departments with evidence-based inputs on road safety strategies
- Positive interventions outcomes that lead to reduced organizational resources expended on dealing with serious traffic collisions
Personal Impact
Delegates will gain skills in safely managing scenes and considering developing investigative skills using a standardized investigative model.
- Awareness of the most effective ways of dealing with scenes of serious traffic collisions
- Identifying scientists, experts and other supporting specialists that can maximise forensic intelligence and evidence gathering opportunities
- Understanding the processes required to successfully investigate serious traffic collisions
- The roles and responsibilities for all those engaged in forensic and managing sequenced investigation of a collision scene
- Managing risk and safety
- Managing investigative process of lines of enquiry and structure to do so
- Effective collision reporting
Who Should Attend?
This training programme is ideal for Police or Civil Defense First Responders and Traffic Investigators. It is suitable for junior to middle rank officers who are practitioners and to Senior Officers who supervise or mentor junior officers.
This training on Serious Traffic Collision Investigation is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Lieutenants
- Captains
- Majors
- Lieutenant Colonels
- Colonels
Course Outline
Day 1
Investigation Principles, Deployment, and Information Management
- Purpose of Investigations
- Relationship of Investigation Outputs to Road Safety Strategy
- Introduction to Desktop exercise
- Deployment priorities and considerations
- Approach to Incident scene considerations
- Information gathering and harvesting
Day 2
Scene Management, Risk management and Containment
- Scene Management
- Locard’s Principle of Exchange
- Managing Risks and exercise
- Safe Scene considerations
- Containment and exercise
- Sketches and scene recording considerations
Day 3
Command and Control, Principles of Multi Agency Working and Initial Investigations
- Command and Control and exercise
- Multi agency working and JESIP Principles (Joint Emergency Interoperability Principles
- NDMM National Decision-Making Model and exercise
- Golden Hour of Investigation
- Lines of Enquiry
Day 4
Investigation Model, Main Causes of Serious Traffic Collisions
- Initial Investigation Actions
- Effective Management of Investigation Process
- Idealized Decision-making Model
- Main Causes of Serious Traffic Collisions
- Hypotheses
Day 5
Witness & Suspect Management, and Confirmation Bias
- Witness Management
- Suspect Management
- Traffic Collision Report Writing
- Confirmation Bias in Investigations
Oxford Management Centre Certificate will be provided to delegates who successfully completed the training course.