An Intensive 5-day Training Course
Diplomacy and International Relations
Developing Good Diplomatic Practice and Protocol
Course Introduction
Diplomacy is changing in a global environment and the function of a diplomat and diplomatic mission need to develop in the same way. More and more, diplomatic missions are having to deal with a wider range of agencies from international non-governmental agencies, through pressure groups to what is called ‘citizen diplomacy’-individuals and small groups representing special interests.
In addition, new areas of research are being dealt with by foreign service officials and diplomats including science diplomacy and digital diplomacy and, above all, soft power diplomacy and nation brand. As well as focusing on more traditional areas of protocol and diplomacy and statecraft, Diplomacy and International Relations focuses on the more recent emergence of soft power, science and defense diplomacy and digital diplomacy as key issues in international relations in a global economy.
This Oxford Management Centre training will highlight:
- Developments in diplomatic good practice and protocol
- Developments in science and digital diplomacy and application to foreign service
- The interaction between hard, soft and sharp power in modern diplomacy
- Analysis of the role of diplomacy and the media
- How to manage successful diplomatic communication in English
At the end of this training, you will learn to:
- Improve international diplomatic performance in English
- Advance national interest through science and digital diplomacy
- Manage international media and interviews
- Develop soft power initiatives internationally and in country to improve nation brand
- Manage relations with NGOs, special interest groups and other agencies impacting diplomatic business
Training Methodology
Participants to this training course will receive a thorough training on the subjects covered by the outline with the Tutor utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques. Training methodology includes a mixture of speaker input, facilitated discussions, syndicate work and practical exercises, with an emphasis on always involving delegates. The learning tools include video case studies, team problem solving and analysis tools to uncover core strengths and develop new ideas.
Organisational Impact
Diplomatic missions and foreign services will increase in-country and international impact in the areas below:
- Improve status and recognition of the diplomatic mission and the country it represents
- Improve performance of the management of media and outside publicity
- Improve diplomatic writing skills and protocol when working in English
- Raise in-country and international profile through the use of science and digital diplomacy
- Develop nation brand and soft power profile
Personal Impact
The participants will have the following benefits;
- Increased confidence in operational management
- Increased ability to produce diplomatic documents in English, conforming to protocol
- Ability to manage international and national media, interviews and announcements
- Ability to analyse what is really meant in media and diplomatic communications
- Ability to recognize and employ resources of soft power diplomacy
- Development of diplomatic skills to enter rise to higher posts in the foreign service
Who Should Attend?
This training course is aimed at foreign service officials, civil servants and diplomatic mission staff and students of diplomacy. It will be of particular interest to:
- Diplomatic staff working in diplomatic missions overseas
- Civil servants and members of the ministry of foreign affairs
- Diplomatic correspondents and journalists specializing in foreign affairs
- Students of diplomacy and foreign affairs and those seeking a career in the Diplomatic Service
Course Outline
Day 1
The Changing Face of International Diplomacy
- The changing face of international diplomacy
- The relationship between hard, soft and sharp power
- The relationship between soft power and nation brand
- The Diplomacy of Deeds and its impact on national reputation
- Lessons for diplomatic practice
Day 2
How to Communicate Diplomatically in English
- The key types of diplomatic written communication
- The function of notes verbales, memoranda and aides memoires
- English language protocols in diplomatic communication
- Using memoranda to address a critical incident between states
- Exercise in writing a note verbal or a memorandum in English
Day 3
Managing International Media
- The functions of the Embassy and Foreign Affairs press department
- The said and the unsaid in diplomatic media communications
- Writing a press release for local and international press explaining foreign and domestic policy
- Handling press and media enquiries
- Managing an interview online or face-to-face
- Harmonising local media response with foreign affairs policy and practice
Day 4
Science Diplomacy and Digital Diplomacy
- The role of science diplomacy and digital diplomacy in diplomatic missions
- How to assess and encourage science diplomacy in universities and laboratories
- How digital diplomacy can be used to enhance national image
- Digital diplomacy and security issues
- Assess the value of initiatives in science and digital diplomacy
Day 5
Diplomacy and International Reputation
- How diplomacy can improve or damage national and political image
- How diplomatic initiatives can encourage tourism
- The importance of place brand and how to exploit it
- How diplomatic initiatives can encourage exports and inward investment
- The role of defence diplomacy in improving national image
Oxford Management Centre Certificate will be provided to delegates who successfully completed the training course.